U.S. Department of the Interior Finalizes Action to Ensure Fair Return to Taxpayers, Strengthen Accountability for Oil and Gas Operations on Public Lands

April 14, 2024

By Highpoint Digest News

Washington, DC – (Highpoint Digest) — The U.S. Department of the Interior on April 12, 2024, finalized a rule to revise the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) oil and gas leasing regulations, which will ensure a balanced approach to development, provide a fair return to taxpayers, and help keep drilling activities from conflicting with the protection of important wildlife habitat or cultural sites. 

The Fluid Mineral Leases and Leasing Process rule revises outdated fiscal terms of the onshore federal oil and gas leasing program – including for bonding requirements, royalty rates, and minimum bids – which will increase returns to the public and disincentivize speculators and irresponsible actors. The rule is the BLM’s first comprehensive update to the federal onshore oil and gas leasing framework since 1988, the first update to minimum bonding levels since 1960, and the first increase in royalty rates in more than 100 years. 

The rule codifies fiscal provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act and implements recommendations from the Department’s Report on the Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program

The rule will guide BLM efforts to focus oil and gas leasing in areas that are the most likely to be developed — areas with existing infrastructure and high oil and gas potential — lessening development pressure on areas that contain sensitive wildlife habitat, cultural resources, high recreational usage, or other special resources and values. This approach will provide transparency and clarity for industry, while better managing public lands for other important resources. 

The rule also updates minimum bonding amounts for federal oil and gas operations for the first time in over 60 years, helping to ensure that taxpayers are not left with the bill for cleaning up orphaned wells. The GAO noted that the BLM is responsible for managing thousands of idled wells that pose a risk of becoming orphaned. The increased bonds better reflect the actual costs of reclaiming wells and will mean those costs are borne by oil and gas companies rather than taxpayers. More about updates to bonding are included in the rule here

Key elements of the rule include: 

  • Bonding Requirements: The rule increases the minimum lease bond amount to $150,000 and the minimum statewide bond to $500,000, and it eliminates nationwide and unit bonds. The previous lease bond amount of $10,000 — established in 1960 — no longer provided an adequate incentive for companies to meet their reclamation obligations, nor does it cover the potential costs to reclaim a well should this obligation not be met, leaving taxpayers at risk for the cost of cleanup. Bond amounts will be adjusted for inflation every ten years.   
  • Protecting Wildlife and Cultural Resources: The rule helps steer oil and gas development away from important wildlife habitat and important cultural sites by establishing BLM’s preference to offer lands for lease that are close to existing infrastructure or have high potential for oil and gas production.   
  • Fiscal Terms: A number of fiscal terms are changed to reflect provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, including:
    • Royalty rates for leases are set at 16.67 percent until August 16, 2032—ten years after enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act—then 16.67 percent will become the minimum royalty rate. Previously, the minimum royalty rate was 12.5 percent. 
    • Minimum bids: The minimum amount companies can bid at auctions for federal oil and gas leases increases to $10 per acre, up from $2 per acre. After August 16, 2032, that amount will be regularly adjusted for inflation. 
    • Base, or minimum, rental rate: Leases will include a rental of $3 per acre per year during the first two-year period beginning upon lease issuance, then $5 per acre per year for the subsequent 6 years, and then $15 per acre per year thereafter. After August 16, 2032, those rental rates will become minimums and are subject to increase. Previously, companies paid $1.50/acre for each of the first five years of holding a lease, then $2/acre for the next five years. 
    • Expressions of Interest: The Inflation Reduction Act established a new $5/acre fee for expressions of interest. The rule implements how the fee will be collected. 

The final rule follows a proposed rule issued by the BLM last year. Based on more than 130,000 public comments received from a wide range of stakeholders, the BLM has finalized these key provisions with some technical changes, including adding inflation adjustment mechanisms. 

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior

Photo courtesy of U.S. Department of Interior

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