About Us FAQ

Who is Highpoint Digest?

Highpoint Digest is an in-depth reporting news site that features content focusing on consumer and business events occurrences worldwide. Our topics deal with news content produced by reliable sources. We do not offer our opinion concerning the reports and studies we gather. The content is based on facts, not fiction. So, you’ll know each article you read is trustworthy.

How was Highpoint Digest created?

Highpoint Digest was launched in December 2023 by founder Michael A. Williams who wanted to offer top-quality business and consumer news content. The founder makes it clear he not looking for vial content. He is only interested in content that will educate, inform, and enhance the readers’ awareness about the events unfolding around them whether it’s from the past, in the present or occurring in the future.

What type of company is Highpoint Digest?

Highpoint Digest is a news media company

Do you have a newsletter that I can subscribe to?

At the moment we do not. However, will be issuing one in Mi-Summer 2024. We place a link on our website informing you where to subscribe to receive the newsletter in your email